Cahn, Steven M

Classics of political and moral philosophy - 7th edition - New York : Oxford University Press, 2006 - x,1237p 23cm

Plato -- Aristotle -- Epicurus -- Cicero -- Augustine -- Thomas Aquinas -- Niccolo Machiavelli -- Thomas Hobbes -- Baruch Spinoza -- John Locke -- Jean-Jacques Rosseau -- David Hume -- Adam Smith -- Alexander Hamilton and James Madison -- Jeremy Bentham -- Immanuel Kant -- G.W.F. Hegel -- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- John Stuart Mill -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- John Rawls -- Roberts Nozick -- Thomas Nagel -- Michel Foucault -- Jurgen Habermas -- Martha C. Nussbaum -- Documents and addresses: Funeral oration / Pericles; Speech to the electors of Bristol / E. Burke; Declaration of Independence; Constitution of the United States; Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen; First Inaugural address, Gettysburg Address, Second Inaugural address / A. Lincoln; Solitude of self / E.C. Stanton; Democracy / J. Dewey; Letter from a Birmingham City Jail, March on Washington address / M.L. King, Jr

9780872208605 9780872208599

Political science